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2010-04-15 | 浏览人数: 7,590次 | 分类: 网络杂谈 | 1条评论 | 查看评论 发表评论

上次deepvps 写了一篇《一些常用的和VPS主机商沟通的英文翻译》,得到了大家一致的好评。包括chinaz在内的很多网站转载了该文,今天deepvps新整理了一些常用语句和大家分享。希望对大家和主机商沟通可以起到一定的帮助。

Hi, I don’t want to renew my server,  please cancel it when it expires, thx

Hi, is this server package in stock now? please give me order link,thx

Currently I’m using 100mbps, with 1500G bandwidth limit, how much do I need to pay if I use use more than 1500G? How much bandwidth did I use in this month?

are you able to put a new vps at the downtown Chicago DC?

Hi, please remove additonal 256MB Ram and regenerate invoice of next billing cycle, thx

6,这台服务器的副硬盘已经出现了坏道,经过HD tune软件的健康测试,它已经是警告状态,我想请求你们给换一块硬盘,请您先帮我增加一块硬盘,我拷贝好数据之后再通知您,然后您再将我要更换的硬盘取走,这样可以吗?
This server disk has appeared in the pair have bad, after the health test software HD, it is already alert, I want to ask you to change a piece of hard disk, would you please help me a hard copy, increase my good again after data to inform you, then you will I take the hard to change, is that ok?

I have paid for the server for 3 days. Could you please setup my server as soon as possible? Thank you.

Thank you for your order.  To process this, we will need a scanned copy of your photo identification card and also a scanned copy of the credit card being used for this order.  Once we’ve received this, we can build your server.

i m sorry that i have to tell you that i m not satisfied with the access speed from china mainland to your server, where my target visitors are from. so would you assist me to end this service/contract and give my money back? thank you very much.

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    该日志于2010-04-15 22:02由 deepvps 发表在网络杂谈分类下, 你可以发表评论。除了可以将这个日志以保留源地址及作者的情况下引用到你的网站或博客,还可以通过RSS 2.0订阅这个日志的所有评论。

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    1. 1楼 dengguibao 2011年01月2日 11:25



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