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最新消息:ClubUptime 已经跑路

2011-07-29 | 浏览人数: 5,932次 | 分类: 网络杂谈 | 4条评论 | 查看评论 发表评论

今天发现ClubUptime官网打不开,面板也打不开,VPS也ping不通。后来收到消息,ClubUptime 已经跑路,具体原文如下:

CU Family,

We regret to announce that Club Uptime, LLC will be closing its doors,
effective immediately.

With growing costs and a substantial number of nonpaying clients, we
have been unable to continue our business with SoftLayer.

As a result, we will no longer be accepting new signups or renewals
for our products or services.

We will update this page when backups are able to be made available to clients as we have them transferring to external backup servers right now.

Refunds will be issued to all customers who have already paid their
invoice for the current month, and will be prorated if paid quarterly,
semi-annually or annually .
Please be patient as this process may take up to 4-6 weeks to complete.

BroHoster Customers please refer to http://www.brohoster.com for
applicable instructions.

We’ve appreciated your business. Thank you.


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    该日志于2011-07-29 08:58由 deepvps 发表在网络杂谈分类下, 你可以发表评论。除了可以将这个日志以保留源地址及作者的情况下引用到你的网站或博客,还可以通过RSS 2.0订阅这个日志的所有评论。

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    共有4条评论 [点此发言]

    1. 1楼 centos 2011年07月29日 13:58



    2. 2楼 Harid 2011年08月2日 12:52



      deepvps 2011年08月4日 00:34 回复:



    3. 3楼 Andrew 2011年08月12日 19:31



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