

2011-05-29 | 浏览人数: 19,836次 | 分类:网络杂谈 | 查看评论 发表评论

最近几天,很多童鞋都发现自己的GoDaddy帐号里的部分域名消失,而且大部分是info域名。 到底是什么原因呢?GoDaddy今天给了正式的回信,内容如下:

Dear Sir/Madam,

The following domain names have been suspended for endangering the connectivity of Go Daddy’s network.

Go Daddy’s Abuse Department was recently contacted by the .INFO registry, with a request that we suspend your domain names due to Internet abuse. Your actions, regardless of your intent or the nature of the abusive actions, threatens Go Daddy’s relationship with the registry. The registry oversees domain name registration, if Go Daddy’s relationship with the registry were impacted; services to other Go Daddy customers could possibly be affected. Under no circumstances can we allow this to occur, this is unacceptable and a violation of Go Daddy’s Terms of Service.