
最新消息:ClubUptime 已经跑路

2011-07-29 | 浏览人数: 5,931次 | 分类:网络杂谈 | 4条评论 | 查看评论 发表评论

今天发现ClubUptime官网打不开,面板也打不开,VPS也ping不通。后来收到消息,ClubUptime 已经跑路,具体原文如下:

CU Family,

We regret to announce that Club Uptime, LLC will be closing its doors,
effective immediately.

With growing costs and a substantial number of nonpaying clients, we
have been unable to continue our business with SoftLayer.

As a result, we will no longer be accepting new signups or renewals
for our products or services.

We will update this page when backups are able to be made available to clients as we have them transferring to external backup servers right now.

Refunds will be issued to all customers who have already paid their
invoice for the current month, and will be prorated if paid quarterly,
semi-annually or annually .
Please be patient as this process may take up to 4-6 weeks to complete.

BroHoster Customers please refer to http://www.brohoster.com for
applicable instructions.

We’ve appreciated your business. Thank you.


ClubUptime:$5.95 512MB OpenVZ VPS

2011-03-31 | 浏览人数: 5,615次 | 分类:美国VPS | 7条评论 | 查看评论 发表评论

Club Uptime

Club Uptime 的域名虽然是在2009年8月注册的, 但他们的老板 Matthew  2005年开始就涉足IDC行业,以前主要经营独立服务器、虚拟主机等业务。现在主要靠 Club Uptime 专注 VPS 市场。

这个月ClubUptime为了庆祝成立6周年,特推出50% off优惠 还赠送双倍磁盘和双倍流量。现在用50% off优惠码:50offapril,Budget VPS Plan 1套餐只要$5.95。VPS 配置如下:

  • Guaranteed RAM: 512MB
  • Burstable RAM: 1024MB
  • Disk Space: 10GB  20GB
  • Bandwidth: 100GB 200GB
  • IPv4 Addresses: 1
  • IPv6 Addresses: 5
  • OpenVZ/SolusVM

他们的服务器均采用3400 或者5600 系列的CPU,24GB 内存,Raid 10。服务器在Dallas和Seattle 的 SoftLayer数据中心。虽然 ping 值比西海岸略高但是电信和网通访问都还算不错。