
2011-06-07 | 浏览人数: 9,117次 | 分类:网络杂谈 | 11条评论 | 查看评论 发表评论

前天晚上hostloc论坛被黑,访问论坛的时候变成了 403错误。


起因是因为论坛挂KT的广告,然后有一位会员和管理吵架,说KT是骗子。 结果账号被管理员封了, 封了没多久,论坛就被黑了, 论坛首页就出现了:


2011-06-04 | 浏览人数: 7,357次 | 分类:VPS管理维护 | 5条评论 | 查看评论 发表评论


DROPBOX_USER=”Your Dropbox username”
DROPBOX_PASS=”Your Dropbox password”
DROPBOX_DIR=”Directory in your dropbox account to store the backups, e.g. /backups”
BACKUP_SRC=”/home /var/www /var/git /etc /root”
MYSQL_PASS=”Your MySQL password”

杯具的BurstNet VPS数据丢失

2011-06-03 | 浏览人数: 5,666次 | 分类:网络杂谈 | 2条评论 | 查看评论 发表评论

deepvps 以前小白的时候有年付一个BurstNet的VPS,上面也没有放特别重要的站。这次BurstNet 机房电力维护导致母机直接挂了,等母机恢复后发现VPS的数据全部丢失。再次还是要提醒童鞋们,一定要自己养成备份数据的习惯啊。像BurstNet 这种无管理型的VPS,数据丢失官方是不负责赔偿的。

burst 发来的Email原文如下:


Earlier today, the Vserver hosting your VPS suffered a critical error. The drive arrary was corrupt and our engineers have spent the last several hours trying to retrieve data.

However, all recovery procedures have been exhausted and unfortunately, our engineers were unable to retrieve data from the drives. Your VPS is being rebuilt and you will have the same VEID and IP Addresses, as well as the original OS at the time you ordered. We will notify you when this rebuild is complete.At this point, our hope is that you can rely on any backups you were able to make via the VePortal backup interface or other means. If you have trouble restoring VePortal backups, please open a support ticket. Though we cannot guarantee full (or even partial) data restoration, we will work to the limit of our abilities.

For more information on our data recovery and backup policy, please see:


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